My name is Lorrie Denney, and I am a Graphic Designer. I am experienced in Adobe Creative Cloud, prepress and canva. I have made graphics and icons for the web and print. I am trained in brand development and visual design through the California Institute of the Arts.  I got into graphic design as I have always nurtured my skills in the arts. I also have a technical background and a previous career as a data analyst.  Now, I can combine my creativity and analytical thinking in Graphic Design. My services are available in both Canada and the US. I currently reside in the US. 
When not designing, I enjoy pilates or yoga at the gym. I also enjoy walks with my dog and catching up on endless books to read. I am excellent at doodling and power-napping. I am fueled by coffee and Chipotle
You can also connect with me on LinkedIn: Lorrie Denney | LinkedIn
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